The Xena after party first kicked off in 2010. We were but a group of friends in a big room blasting music and eating a giant slab of cake cut by MaryD as we farewelled one another til another year.
The 2011 after party was equally as brilliant, with crazy one legged battles, slam poetry and a cup of rainbow layered skittles.Yet another giant tasty cake cut by Linda and Terrina, and Debbie the DJ rocked the house. The night we refused to sleep, moving the party to the lobby after we were kicked out and not passing out until we were on our planes home.
2012 was epic in every way. We had Hudson's left ball as well as some other amazing items that helped us to raise a nice big chunk of donation money for our Xena charities. The cake - well, took the cake! Xena's body was well received and set the bar for all cakes to come! It was cut by Hudson Leick - or rather, stabbed multiple times and it was by far the most memorable cake cutting!
In 2013 the driving force behind the after parties, Penny, got married and so we all got together to eat a wedding cake instead.
2014 we were back with a vengenance and by now our reputation of having amazing cakes preceeded us, with more people than ever showing up to our bash to have a look at how we would wow you this year. We did not disappoint, with Gabrielle's torso on display, complete with belly button! The cake was cut by Penny, and was demolished. The giveaway was bigger than ever with HUNDREDS of prizes including a mounted plaque photo of Xena and Gabrielle signed by Lucy and Renee, and a super chakram signed by Lucy Lawless.
The photo below is the table of prizes. Most of the magazines and comics you see were signed.
2015 is yet to come, and we know it will be the best one yet. Rosa Moran, the winner of the Chakram last year has re-donated it back to us so once again we will be hosting the giveaway. With plenty more prizes as well as more opportunities to feel good about donating to charities in a FUN way, we just know you don't want to miss out this year! Oh yeah, and then there's the cake...but you'll have to wait and see! See more below!
Check out our photo gallery of past parties!
WHEN: 8:00pm February 22nd, 2015.
WHERE: Burbank Marriott Hotel, Burbank, CA (Room TBA)
THEME: "Friendship".
If you want to wear a formal dress or tuxedo then dress to the nines! If you want to wear your favorite jeans, sneakers and shirt, DO IT! We don't care what you wear, we want you to be YOU and we want you to have FUN!
COST: FREEEEE!! We will say it again: FREE!!
WHAT: A photobooth, drawing of the chakram giveaway and other prizes, opportunity draw, softball MVP awards, skittles, the best cake you ever did see, winners of the scavenger hunt announced, special guests (don't ask us who - we won't tell you!), a dance floor, and most importantly (here's looking at you, Bonni and Michelle!) a CASH BAR!
There will be awesome music lined up but online requests have closed. You can still make requests at the after party, but we may not have the song!
Putting on this awesome party every year costs a lot of money.
If you would like to help us with the cost of the room, you can send us a contribution. That way, the money we raise on the evening goes directly to charity. It also means you are helping someone who might not be able to afford to attend a party that has a door charge come to the BEST PARTY IN THE WORLD for absolutely free. That makes you awesome.
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If you contribute more than $20 to help pay for the room you will receive five free tickets to the opportunity drawing.
AMAZING opportunity to own a great piece of Xena memorabilia!
The incredibly generous Rosa Moran won this at the party last year and has donated it back to us to help us raise funds for our well loved Xena charities!
HOW DO YOU WIN THIS?? Easy! All you need to do is purchase a ticket for $10 and you will enter the draw to win. You can buy as many tickets as you want - $10 gets you one ticket (pretty great value to possibly own this kick-ass chakram!!!) or $100 gets you FIFTEEN TICKETS!! That's FIVE FREE TICKETS! Please note the five free tickets are only available if you pre-purchase online.
HOW DO I GET TICKETS?? You can get them online now, or you can buy them during Xena Con. Just find Penny, Stacy or one of the Xena Prom crew to buy your tickets!! What better way to help a charity and get yourself in the draw to win such an awesome Chakram?!
Buy your tickets from Stacy or Penny at con!